
Jason Babakaiff is the principal photographer at Babakaiff Photography.


About Jason
Jason Babakaiff & his wife Jennifer Chen, 2016


As a commercial photographer I love the technical nitty-gritty of shooting great photos. But it goes beyond just knowing the camera and lighting. I love to seek out how I can best help my clients in what it is they do best. First I can do this by learning about their product or service, and second by understanding their customers. I believe this is the best way to take unique and visually impactful photos that communicate value. 


Create photos that my clients can be enthusiastic about sharing, and provide a service that will keep them coming back. 

About myself, Jason Babakaiff

Friends and family describe me as a soft and kind-hearted person with a love of photography. Clients describe me as Professional and knowledgable in the field of photography.

My hobbies and interests probably come from my roots in the Kootenays. I was born in Nelson B.C. which also could explain why I love vegetable gardening and mountain and road biking. Having spent my younger years in Calgary, I also have a love for big cities. I feel Kelowna is my home because (besides my wife saying so) it seems to be a good middle ground and is situated between Wester Canada’s largest cities. 

The Short Story

I’ve been strong into photography since my formal and practical education starting in 1999, having both gone to school and apprenticed. I now have over a decade of professional photography experience with a strong focus in residential architecture. My main clientele are small business owners all across BC and Alberta who are tirelessly working on growing their businesses.

The Long Story

First of all, my love for cameras started in the late nineties when I took analogue photography in high school. These were the film days, and I was in the dark room. Because I loved the challenge of learning how to take better and better photos, I later ended up working in multiple photo labs (four to be exact). Consequently I’ve acquainted with a few professional wedding photographers at the time. As a result, in 2004 I started as an assistant photographer and from there my career quickly blossomed.

Prior to this though, my talent on the computer was already strong having had one-on-one training from an industry professional. We built web graphics from scratch in Photoshop. Later my graphic design skills and love for cameras came together perfectly with the onset of digital photography. Due to the harder-then-digital start in photography the ability to capture very technically sound images has become engrained.

Over the years I’ve been on the pursuit of always improving my skills. I then become accredited with a certificate from CATO (the Centre for Arts and Technology – Okanagan) in Digital Video. However, most of all though I’m grateful for the five year apprenticeship with a professional photographer originally from Vancouver. Consequently this taught me many times more than I could ever have learned in school. Finally, I am now operating independently, and based out of Kelowna. 


These days I’m often traveling between Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton shooting primarily for builders. I have also shot for some large marketing companies and worked on projects for Xerox. My real specialty is in showcase photography for marketing and awards purposes. Being well versed in staging and lighting homes, I’m able to capture creative photos that my clients have been winning awards and building their brands with for years.

Ideas can change everything – consultations are free. Contact me today!


Jason Babakaiff Photographer
Jason Babakaiff in Taiwan


Visit my contact page to inquire about your photography needs